What’s in that hole? – Episode 0

Justine What's in that hole?

Hello everybody and welcome to Episode 0 of What’s in that Hole?, a new series I will be writing for my blog. Before we get started with the main question, which is of course “what’s in that hole?,” I thought I’d write this preview to answer some of the other questions you might have. Because let’s be honest here – if you don’t have any questions at this point you are probably pretty weird (like me).

nutella & go experiment

Experiment: Nutella & Go breadsticks vs. pretzel sticks

Justine Because I'm weird

Recently, some friends gave me a few packs of Nutella & Go, the on-the-go packs with sticks you’re supposed to use to eat the Nutella with. Very kind, since I do indeed have quite the appetite for Nutella. There used to only be one version of this: the breadsticks version. But now there is a newcomer on the scene: pretzel sticks. Of course, I never bother eating any of the sticks anyway (Nutella is best served on a spoon) so this is not directly relevant to me. However, because I have such insatiable curiosity, as I was spooning the Nutella …

Beginner’s guide to making your own website – Part 3: WordPress plugins

Justine Unsolicited advice

Note: This is a continuation of my last two posts, which focused on selecting a web hosting service and CMS and picking a WordPress theme. If you’re unsure of what these are, you may want to read those first! Reminder: This is a beginner’s guide in the truest sense – it’s written not just for beginners but also by a beginner! You’ve been warned.

Beginner’s guide to making your own website, Part 2: WordPress themes

Justine Unsolicited advice

Note: This is a continuation of my last post, which focused on selecting a web hosting service and CMS. If you’re unsure of what these are, you may want to read that one first! Reminder: This is a beginner’s guide in the truest sense – it’s written not just for beginners but also by a beginner. You’ve been warned.

Beginner’s guide to making your own website, Part 1: Web hosting and CMS

Justine Unsolicited advice

Two weeks ago I decided to create a website. My reasoning? (1) I had written something that turned into a blog post and needed somewhere to put it; (2) I was about to leave my job (without another one lined up) and wanted a project; (3) I’ve never made one before so why not? But, like I said, I had no experience with web development, which makes this is a true “beginner’s guide.” Not a guide for beginners, but a guide by a beginner. You’ve been warned.

justine schluntz in oxford

My very first blog post

Justine Let's get personal

Those of you who know me well will know that, despite my technical aptitude, I’m often among the last of the ‘cool people’ to get with the times when it comes to the digital world (do I count as cool people? I may have just given myself an undeserved promotion).  But lately I’ve made somewhat of a push, highlighted in the last month by: Numerous selfies on my recent trip to Europe. My first #hashtag (am I doing it right?). The new smartphone I got last week! And along with that, my first usage of WhatsApp, Messenger, and Uber.