What’s in that hole? – Episode 12

Justine What's in that hole?

Hello everybody and welcome to Episode 12 of What’s in that Hole?, a fun series I’m writing for my blog. In the last episode, we found something really exciting: an eel! That episode, as well as the two before it, focused on holes away from home. Today, we return home to Tucson’s Sonoran Desert for our hole.

1 year of solar: summary of my first year with a solar-powered home

Justine Unsolicited advice

A couple weeks ago, I celebrated the 1-year anniversary of my solar PV system getting connected to the grid. While it was installed in December 2015, TEP (my utility) only completed its check and approved the system on January 14, 2016. To celebrate this momentous occasion, I’m going to share my data with you! In this post, I’ll tell you about my PV system, provide the performance and financial numbers, and give you my thoughts after 1 year of solar.

energy efficiency tips

Energy efficiency tips for your home

Justine Unsolicited advice

Wow. I started writing this as an aside to a post I’m writing about my experience with one year of solar energy for my home. Apparently, I had more to say than I realized and this turned into a 1400 word post of its own! This post lists some important energy efficiency tips and should be useful to all homeowners, regardless of whether solar is on your radar or not. If you are in fact considering solar, take the steps noted in this post first! Otherwise, you’ll end up buying a larger (and more expensive) solar system than you actually …

What’s in that hole? – Episode 8

Justine Arizona, What's in that hole?

Hello everybody and welcome to Episode 8 of What’s in that Hole?, a new series I’m writing for my blog. In the last episode, we met the farmers of the insect world, leaf-cutter ants (a desert version to be specific). Today, we remain in the Arizona desert but find something a bit less…natural.

rooster cogburn ostrich ranch

Things to do in Arizona: Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch

Justine Arizona, Because I'm weird

To the uninitiated, the 100-mile stretch of I-10 between Tucson and Phoenix seems barren. Locals, however, know about the array of attractions to be found along (or close to) this route, including Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Picacho Peak State Park, and the subject of this post, the Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch.

What’s in that hole? – Episode 3

Justine What's in that hole?

Hello everybody and welcome to Episode 3 of What’s in that Hole?, a new series I’m writing for my blog. In the last episode, we were hoping for a cuddly critter but didn’t find one. We did find lots of babies though! But maybe this is our lucky day and we’ll find a cuddly friend! You’ll only know if you keep reading…