BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Arizona
University of Arizona
- AME 432: Heat Transfer (2017)
- AME 230: Introduction to Thermodynamics (2017)
- ENGR 102: Introduction to Engineering Design (2016-2017)
University of Oxford
- P1: Mathematics (2013-2014)
- A1: Mathematics (2013-2014)
- P3: Statics (2013-2014)
- P4: Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics (2013-2014)
- A4: Fluid Dynamics, Thermodynamics, and Heat Transfer (2013-2014)
- A5: Thermofluids Laboratory (2011, 2012, 2013)
- B10: Hydraulics and Soil Mechanics Laboratory (2011, 2012, 2013)
- Civil Engineering Coursework Module (2011, 2012)
Tsinghua University
- Summer English Teacher (2013)
Keio University Summer School at Christ Church, Oxford
- Graduate Assistant (2012)
Manager of Special Projects, Office of Global Initiatives, University of Arizona. (Initial title: Program Manager) Responsibilities included developing and managing long-term research projects and institutional collaborations for the office of the Vice President for Global Initiatives, from proposal development to post-award management and reporting. In this role, I worked with researchers and administrators from the majority of UA colleges, including Engineering, Agriculture and Life Sciences, Fine Arts, and Social and Behavioral Sciences. (2015-2016)
Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellow, Board on Energy and Environmental Systems (BEES), Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council, Washington D.C. The Mirzayan Fellowship provides an opportunity for scientists and engineers to learn about science and technology policy. During the course of this fellowship, I assisted with the development of National Research Council reports on fuel economy standards for light duty vehicles, barriers for electric vehicle deployment, and a review of the 21st Century Truck Partnership. (2015)
Graduate student reading for a DPhil in Engineering Science, University of Oxford. At Oxford, I investigated tidal turbine rotor designs for highly blocked flows using a blade element momentum method, developed and validated an improved actuator line model for tidal turbine simulations, and employed the improved model in tidal turbine array simulations to investigate the effects of channel blockage on rotor and array performance. (2010-2015)
Graduate Intern, Sandia National Laboratories, Department of Energy, Albuquerque, New Mexico (Wind and Water Power Technologies Department). The work completed during this internship centered on the assessment of a possible facility upgrade at Sandia in order to accommodate tidal turbine experimental tests. In addition, it included an evaluation of other potential tidal turbine experimental test facilities in the United States. (2010)
Research Assistant in experimental fluid mechanics, University of Arizona. This work focused on the study of Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilities at the interface of two gasses with different densities in a shock tube. Responsibilities included designing and machining parts for experiments, utilizing LabVIEW to collect and analyze data, and usage of Laser Doppler Velocimetry systems. This included laser and optical alignment as well as hardware and software integration.
“S.E.A.L.S.: System for the Environmental Analysis of Lunar Seals,” University of Arizona. Sponsored by Paragon Space Development Corporation, this project served as my capstone engineering design project. My team of five designed and assembled a prototype of a machine to test the viability of a new rotary shaft seal material for use in future lunar applications. The apparatus is able to test five seals simultaneously by stirring dust around the seals despite being in a vacuum. (2008-2009)
Schluntz, J., and Willden, R.H.J. (2015). The Effect of Blockage on Tidal Turbine Rotor Design and Performance, Renewable Energy.
Schluntz, J. (2014). Tidal Turbine Array Modelling, DPhil Thesis, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
Schluntz, J., Vogel, C., and Willden, R.H.J. (2014). Blockage-Enhanced Performance of Tidal Turbine Arrays, Proc. 2nd Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference/Grand Renewable Energy Conference, Tokyo.
Willden, R.H.J., Nishino, T. and Schluntz, J. (2014). Tidal Stream Energy: Designing for Blockage, Proc. 3rd Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop, Oxford.
Schluntz, J. & Willden, R.H.J. (2014). An Actuator Line Method with Novel Blade Flow Field Coupling, Wind Energy.
Schluntz, J. & Willden, R.H.J. (2013). The Effect of Rotor Design on the Power Output of Closely Packed Tidal Turbines. Proc. 10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Aalborg.
Schluntz, J. & Willden, R.H.J. (2013). Validation of an Actuator Line Model for Tidal Turbine Simulations. Proc. 2nd Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop, Oxford.
Schluntz, J. & Willden, R.H.J. (2012). Development of an Actuator Line Model for Tidal Turbine Simulations. Proc. Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop, Oxford.
Schluntz, J. (2016). “Graduate School Abroad,” Lessons from Abroad: Study Abroad Returnee Conference, Tucson, United States.
Schluntz, J. (2016). “International Arid Lands Consortium at the University of Arizona,” WRRC Annual Conference 2016 – #AZWaterFuture: Tech, Talk, and Tradeoffs, Tucson, United States. (Poster)
Spadaro, P., Chadd, E., and Schluntz, J. (2016). “The Role of Project Management in Advancing Successful International Collaborations,” FAUBAI 2016 Conference, Fortaleza, Brazil.
Chadd, E. and Schluntz, J. (2016). “The Role of Project Management in Advancing Successful International Collaborations,” CONAHEC 17th North American Higher Education Conference, San Luis Potosí, Mexico.
Schluntz, J. (2014). “Blockage-Enhanced Performance of Tidal Turbine Arrays,” 2nd Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference/Grand Renewable Energy conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Schluntz, J. (2013). “The Effect of Rotor Design on the Power Output of Closely Packed Tidal Turbines,” 10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Aalborg, Denmark.
Schluntz, J. (2013). “Validation of an Actuator Line Model for Tidal Turbine Simulations,” 2nd Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop, United Kingdom.
Schluntz, J. (2012). “Development of an Actuator Line Model for Tidal Turbine Investigations,” Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop, United Kingdom.
(2011). Keynote Panel speaker, 105th National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) Convention, San Antonio.
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