Hello everybody and welcome to Episode 11 of What’s in that Hole?, a fun series I’m writing for my blog.
Last time I attempted to make you (and myself) more cultured with a hole I found at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. In this episode, though, we’ll get back to nature. Today’s hole is extra special – it’s an underwater hole!
The hole
I discovered today’s hole while scuba diving in Cozumel. The underwater world is incredible in many ways, not least because of all the holes you can find!

The hole!
The occupant
Here’s a photo of our hole with its occupant. It does a superb job of blending in so you have to look pretty closely in order to see it. In fact, I’m still not quite sure how I managed to spot it!

Can you see it?
In case you couldn’t find it (or are too lazy to give it a real effort), here’s that photo again with some mark-ups to help you see it:

It’s an eel!
See it now? It’s an eel hole! It was actually a pretty tiny eel, about 1.5 inches in diameter. I’m not positive, but I think it’s a Purplemouth Moray. Here’s a closer look:

The hole!
When I took this photo, I did so using a borrowed a GoPro camera with a special lens attachment to improve the color underwater. While it was so cool to capture all the things I got to see, the photos don’t come close to doing the underwater world justice. I’m now convinced that my next big scuba-related purchase should be a quality camera and underwater housing. Imagine all the cool things I’d be able to share with you!
That said, I’ll start taking donations now 😉
Thanks for reading! See you next time!
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Next episode available here!
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