Hello everybody and welcome to Episode 6 of What’s in that Hole?, a new series I’m writing for my blog.
In the last episode, we found a well-camouflaged and ravenous insect. What will we find this time? Keep reading if you want to find out.
The holes
This is an interesting one. In this case, it was not the holes that caught my attention. Rather, it was the conspicuous poo on the ground in my carport:

Curious poo bits.
At first I thought it was mouse poop (it seemed about the right size), but that didn’t make sense given its location. So I looked up to see where the poo might have fallen from. The poo was directly below one of the hanging decorations the previous owner so generously left behind.

Maybe there’s something in there.
Hmm. I wonder if there’s something in that ceramic sun face thing? Or is it a flower? Regardless, something could have gotten in through the holes it tries to pass off as eyes and a mouth. I feel like a detective. Let’s have a peek inside.
The occupants
To be honest, I wasn’t expecting to find anything since this was at the end of October and lots of Tucson’s wildlife had already either tucked in for the winter or moved on further south. But much to my surprise, I found not just something but four somethings!

You can see the excitement in my eye.
These bats were tiny. Their bodies were the size of my thumb. Don’t believe me? Fortunately I have a direct comparison so I can prove it:

I will call them thumb bats.
What? You find it surprising that I picked one up? Do you know me at all???
A word on bats
Since I know you’re curious, a little more info on bats: apparently, you can find 28 bat species in Arizona. I do not know which species these little ones I found are (if you know tell me so I can update this!). Although I don’t know what these particular ones are and therefore what they eat, I do know some bats around here eat insects and others eat things like agave and cactus nectar.
If you like tequila, you should like bats, since they pollinate the agave your tequila is made from. And if you like not having swarms of bugs around, you should also like bats, since many of them eat those bugs.
Conclusion: everybody should love bats.
Here’s some more pictures to convince you that they’re cute:

Look how cute its little foot is!

Look how cute and itty bitty it is!

Look how cute its little butt is!

Look how cute it is when it’s looking for its friends!
Well? Have I convinced you of their cuteness? Good. See you next time for another episode of What’s in that hole?.
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