Hello everybody and welcome to Episode 1 of What’s in that Hole?, a new series I will be writing and posting on my blog.
I’m sure that those of you who read the What’s in that Hole? preview are on the edge of your seats. But fret no more! Episode 1 has arrived.
The hole
Here it is, folks. Hole #1!
I found this hole in Tucson, next to the road right before you turn onto my street. The hole’s diameter is a little over 1 inch and the opening is covered with a silky type of material. It looks deep.

The hole.

A closer view.
Intriguing, right? Any guesses before we move on?
The occupant
I took the above photos during the day. Since there was no indication that the hole’s occupant would reveal itself before the sun went down (many desert creatures are nocturnal), I returned in the evening with a flashlight. My neighbors seemed a bit wary of the crazy person wandering into the bushes in the darkness, but oh well. Eventually they’ll get used to me being weird.
Anyway, I found something!
Do you see it?

Do you see it?
What about now?

Can you see it yet?
Now you’ll definitely see it:

There it is!!!
So there it is! It’s a tarantula! Did you guess correctly?
Go to previous episode
Next episode available here!
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