Hello everybody and welcome to Episode 0 of What’s in that Hole?, a new series I will be writing for my blog.
Before we get started with the main question, which is of course “what’s in that hole?,” I thought I’d write this preview to answer some of the other questions you might have. Because let’s be honest here – if you don’t have any questions at this point you are probably pretty weird (like me).
Question 1: Why is this Episode 0?
Because it’s a preview. I just told you that. I will not be telling you what’s in any hole in this episode. That will start in Episode 1.
Question 2: Yeah, fine. But why are you calling them episodes when it’s not videos/podcasts?
Because it’s my blog and I can do what I want.
That should be enough justification, but for those of you who want (need?) more, Merriam-Webster defines episode as:
Episode: A television show, radio show, etc., that is one part of a series.
Do you see it?
That changes everything. Since this will be a series, and I have decided that blog posts fall under the ETC. category, the posts will be episodes. Thank you.
Question 3: Got it. So what holes are we talking about here? This sounds questionable.
Indeed it does. But fear not, these will be perfectly respectable holes. Nothing nefarious here.
For now, this series will focus on holes I find in nature, specifically, holes in my neighborhood. Here is a sampling of said holes:

Holes near yucca.

Holes near agave.

Hole under a rock.

Hole near palo verde.

Hole near cactus.

Hole in cactus.

A different type of holes in cactus.

Holes on a vertical face.
See???? Aren’t you now wondering what’s in them? C’mon, admit you’re curious.
Question 4: Uh huh. And how exactly did you come up with this “interesting” idea?
The question of what’s in that hole first arose as I completed research for my previous post, which recapped my Nutella & Go experiment. You’ll recall that at one point I found some of the Nutella & Go sticks near a group of holes. At this moment, I first wondered what was in that hole. And that one. And that other one over there too. And thus this series was born.
Question 5: Alright, you’ve convinced me of this idea’s awesomeness. When is Episode 1?
When I get around to it. The good news is that I’m not currently fully employed, plus I’ve got some great material already – I just need to write it up.
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